Aircon Installation - Types and Variants

Aircon Installation - Types and Variants - Aircon Marts

Aircon Installation - Types and Variants

11 January 2021


Aircon, commonly known as the air conditioner or A/C, was introduced as a futuristic craft of technology that has now become a necessity to eliminate heat and dampness from a consumed space and replace it with cooler, fresh air instead.

Aircons are used to cultivate a constantly comfortable indoor environment that does not change with the weather conditions outdoor. Consider it a man-made interior environment of refreshing cooling.

Installation Types and Variants

Before installing an aircon, it is imperative to have some idea of the types of aircon installations, and the variants of aircons, and to select the perfect aircon installing company to attain maximum benefits and longevity in aircon lifespan.

1. Central Air Conditioner

These sets can most commonly be found in halls and big spaces.

They require to be placed on the ceiling or a concrete slab near the foundation with ducts running through exterior walls or the roof.

These units have a combined set of condensers, a compressor, and an evaporator.

2. Split Air-Conditioner

As ductless systems that are easy to install and energy efficient, the split A/C has an inner unit often mounted on the inside of the wall with an outer condenser and compensator on the wall’s exterior.

This system uses tubing to run the refrigerant between the two units. In addition, you are not required to tear down a wall merely for A/C installation in this case.

3. Window Units

This is a single unit comprised of all components fixed in a box-type frame. It usually requires an average of 0.75m x 1m gap to be made in the wall to install the unit.

They are very common but use up slightly more electricity as compared to splits.

4. Portable Units

These are easily installable forms of aircon that can be found in a ship just because they are self-contained and free-standing. They don't require any major installation work at all but do require a window to funnel out exhaust air.

Perhaps, you may want to fulfil your desire for DIY installation by trying installing these.

Common Installation Mistakes – Why You Need a Professional

A DIY installation may be a tempting process when searched on YouTube but installing an aircon yourself is a risky move.

It's always recommended to have professionals on your side to tackle the technicalities because

  • With a big aircon, you can never be sure if it will fit right in the space you allocated or would just be too big for the wall you're installing it on.
  • Get one too small and it'll never cool your room properly.
  • Bad wiring could either burn up the whole system or cause recurring problems.
  • The bad balance could weaken the mounting support and potentially damage the unit.
  • Wrong-sized refrigerant pipes can decrease the cooling of your aircon.

Conclusively, without a professional, you can end up scrapping the aircon and will be forced to buy another.

The Bottom Line

Of course, you need professionals on the installation job. But you also need a high-functioning aircon from a reliable store to begin with!

At AirconMarts, the options of top-notch and affordable aircons are endless.

Buy your dream air conditioner with a single tap of the screen!

With AirconMarts by your side, the purchase and installation of aircons will be seamless.

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